Serafin Maria - Towarzystwo Ferenca Liszta we Wrocławiu

Serafin Maria

Maria Serafin - pianist, senior lecturer at the Music Academy in Katowice, professor at the “F. Chopin” Secondary Music School in Bytom. About 20 of her students won prizes at nationwide and international piano competitions. Director and many years’ lecturer of summer courses for piano teachers.

Since 1994, she has been an interpreter (Russian-Polish) at the International Master Courses for Pianists in Wroclaw.


Photos and recordings from the 24th International Master Course for Pianists (13-25 August 2017)


Photos from 21th International Master Course for Pianists in Wroclaw (2014), Part 1


Photos from 21th International Master Course for Pianists in Wroclaw (2014), Part 2

  • Course closing concert at the Music and Literature Club. Alexei Orlovetsky and Maria Serafin. Fot. Andrzej Solnica.

    Course closing concert at the Music and Literature Club. Alexei Orlovetsky and Maria Serafin. Fot. Andrzej Solnica.