1159-1164 LISZT EVENINGS - May 2015 - Towarzystwo Ferenca Liszta we Wrocławiu

1159-1164 LISZT EVENINGS - May 2015

AEXEI ORLOVETSKY (Sankt Petersburg) - outstanding pianist, associated with our activities since 1990




Thursday, 14th May 2015 at 18.00 - Trzebnica,

the District Office, ul. Lesna 1 (street)


Friday, 15th May 2015 at 13.00 - Oborniki Slaskie,

Parlour of Four Muses, ul. Pilsudskiego 11 (street)

(166th Concert for the Youth "How to Listen to Music?”)


Friday, 15th May 2015 at 18.30 - Oborniki Slaskie,

Parlour of Four Muses, ul. Pilsudskiego 11 (street)


Saturday, 16 th May 2015 at 18.00 – Brzeg,

The Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg, pl. Zamkowy 1 (square)


Monday, 18th May 2015 at 12.30 - Wroclaw,

Music and Literature Club (KMiL) pl. T. Kosciuszki 10 (square)

(167th Concert for the Youth "How to Listen to Music?”)


Monday, 18th May 2015 at 18.00 - Wroclaw,

Music and Literature Club (KMiL) pl. T. Kosciuszki 10 (square)



  • <b>Alexei Orlovetsky

    Alexei Orlovetsky