1183-1187 LISZT EVENINGS - December 2015
1183-1187 LISZT EVENINGS - December 2015
Pianist and composer
Wednesday, 9th December 2015 at 12.30 – Wroclaw
Music and Literature Club (KMiL) pl. T. Kosciuszki 10 (square)
(171st Concert for the Youth "How to Listen to Music ?”)
Wednesday, 9th December 2015 at 17.00 – Olawa
Art Centre (Centrum Sztuki), ul. Mlynska 3 (street)
Thursday, 10th December 2015 at 18.00 - Wroclaw
Music and Literature Club (KMiL) pl. T. Kosciuszki 10 (square)
Friday, 11st December 2015 at 13.00 – Oborniki Slaskie
Parlour of Four Muses, ul. Pilsudskiego 13 (street)
(172nd Concert for the Youth "How to Listen to Music?”)
Friday, 11st December 2015 at 18.30 - Oborniki Slaskie
Parlour of Four Muses, ul. Pilsudskiego 13 (street)
- Program of the recitals
- Program of the concerts for the Youth