Recitals of Sofya Gulyak
19. Oct. 2006 at 18.00 - Oborniki Slaskie, Parlour of Four Muses
21. Oct. 2006 at 18.00 - Brzeg, Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg
22. Oct. 2006 at 18.00 - Wroclaw, Music and Literature Club
FRYDERYK CHOPIN - Etude h-minor op. 25 No 10
SERGEY RACHMANINOFF - Variationes on Corelli d-minor op. 42
FRANZ SCHUBERT - Impromptu c-minor op.90 No 1
SCHUBERT-LISZT - "Liebesbotschaft"
FERENC LISZT - Etude "La Campanella", Apres une lecture du Dante - Fantasy quasi Sonata
Sofya Gulyak with the Wroclaw Philharmonic Orchestra during the finals of the 2nd International F. Liszt Piano Competition 10 Oct. 2002. Fot. M. Szwed.
Gulyak Sofya
See biography of the artist.