Recitals of Tomasz Kamieniak
Tuesday, 6 December 2011 r., at 12.30
Wroclaw, Music and Literature Club (KMiL)
133 Concerts musically developing for youth
Tuesday, 6 December 2011 r., at 19.00
Wroclaw, Music and Literature Club (KMiL)
The concert accompanied by an exhibition of works of Henryk Bicz-Swiecicki
"Franz Liszt - 200th Birthday".
Wednesday, 7 December 2011 r., at 17.00
Glogow - the "Franz Liszt" Music School
Thursday, 8 December 2011 r., at 18.00
Trzebnica, Klub-"ik" (Building Society Club)
Friday, 9 December 2011 r., at 18.30
Oborniki Slaskie, Parlour of Four Muses
Saturday, 10 December 2011 r., at 18.00
Brzeg, Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg
(Concert included in the cultural programme of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council)
FERENC LISZT (1811-1886)
Prolégomènes à la Divina Commedia
Fantaisie symphonique pour piano
(The first performance in Poland)
Grande caprice sur des motifs de La Sonnambula de Bellini op. 46
i n t e r m i s s i o n
Romancero espagnol
(composition be found)
L'Hymne du Pape
Étude tude de concert A-dur op. 36 nr 2
Allegretto alla barbaresca op. 39 nr 10
In the Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg 10 December 2011 (988 Liszt Evening). Photo by Jerzy Grycan.
In the Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg 10 December 2011 (988 Liszt Evening). Photo by Jerzy Grycan.
In the Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg 10 December 2011 (988 Liszt Evening). Photo by Jerzy Grycan.
In the Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg 10 December 2011 (988 Liszt Evening). Photo by Jerzy Grycan.
In the "Franz Liszt" Music School in Glogow. 7 December 2011 (987 Liszt Evening). Photo by Barbara and Jerzy Popiel.
In the "Franz Liszt" Music School in Glogow. 7 December 2011 (987 Liszt Evening). Photo by Barbara and Jerzy Popiel.
In the "Franz Liszt" Music School in Glogow. 7 December 2011 (987 Liszt Evening). Photo by Barbara and Jerzy Popiel.
Tomasz Kamieniak and Juliusz Adamowski in the "Franz Liszt" Music School in Glogow. 7 December 2011 (987 Liszt Evening). Photo by Barbara and Jerzy Popiel.
133 Concert musically developing for youth "How to Listen to Music". in the Music and Literature Club Wroclaw 6 December 2011. Photo by Maciej Szwed.
133 Concert musically developing for youth "How to Listen to Music" in the Music and Literature Club Wroclaw, 6 December 2011. Photo by Maciej Szwed.
133 Concert musically developing for youth. Juliusz Adamowski presenting original poster (in Polish) from F. Liszt’s concert in Wroclaw in 1843. Wroclaw, Music and Literature Club, 6 December 2011 r. Photo by Maciej Szwed
Poster of Liszt’s concert in Wroclaw from the collection of Henryk Bicz-Swiecicki. The poster was presented at the exhibition of Henryk Bicz-Swiecicki’s works in the Music and Literature Club in Wroclaw, which accompanied “Liszt Evenings” closing bicentennial celebrations of Liszt’s birth.
Kamieniak Tomasz
See biography of the artist.
Photos from concerts