1272nd - 1275th LISZT EVENINGS - December 2017. - Towarzystwo Ferenca Liszta we Wrocławiu

1272nd - 1275th LISZT EVENINGS - December 2017.

1272nd - 1275th LISZT EVENINGS

ALEXEY KOMAROV (Russia) - prize-winner at the 1st International F. Liszt Piano Competition in Wroclaw (1999)

Piano recitals “In the Rhythm of Waltz 2” are a music story about the waltz. The title corresponds to the recital cycle “In the Rhythm of Waltz” by A. Komarov in December 2010.


7 Dec at 12.30 – Wrocław, Music and Literature Club

(184th Concert for the Youth ‘'How to Listen to Music?”)


8 Dec at 18.30 – Oborniki Slaskie, Parlour of Four Muses,


9 Dec at. 18.00 – Brzeg, Silesian Piast Dynasty Castle in Brzeg

Concert under the auspieces of the Starost of Brzeg Region


11 Dec at 19.00 – Wrocław, National Forum of Music

Concert realized jointly with the National Forum of Music


Biography of Alexey Komarov