Other solists (48) - Towarzystwo Ferenca Liszta we Wrocławiu

Concerts performers

Other solists (48)

Bartosz Bryla

Bartosz Bryla - violin

Bogucki Antoni

bass (Poland)

Boguk Alina

domra /Russ. folk instr./ (Russia)

Borucka Anna


Brzezinska Marta

She graduated from the K. Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice in the class of solo singing under Prof. Henryka Januszewska-Stanczyk and from Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg, where she studied under Prof. Ingrid Kremling – Domanski.

Bytshkova Irina

soprano (Russia)

Czechowska Maria

soprano (Poland)

Czermak Adam

violin (Poland)

Czermak Stefan

violin (Germany))

Duda Katarzyna

violin (Poland)

Elekes Zsuzsa

organ (Hungary)

Eleni Ioannidou

soprano spinto (Greece, Germany, Poland)

She has performed in Asia (Japan), North America and many European countries.

Golachowski Tateusz

saxophon (Poland)

Growiec Michalina

soprano (Poland)

Herencsár Viktória

The cimbalom virtuoso, soloist in the Hungarian Opera and Broadcasting Company, was born in Budapest and began studying the cimbalom (hammered dulcimer) at the age of three and half.

Jeżowska Izabella

mezzosopran (Poland)

Kaczmarzyk Elzbieta

mezzosopr. (Poland)

Kilanowicz Zofia

soprano (Poland)

Konefal Janusz

guitar (Poland)

Kruczek Zbigniew

organ (Belgium)

Kurzak Aleksandra

soprano (Poland)

Ladomirski Andrzej

Laureate of nationwide and internaional string compatitions.

Liutko Maria

soprano (Russia)

Majzner Rafal

tenor (Poland)

He graduated from  the Academy of Music in Katowice under the direction of prof. Eugene Sasiadek. In 2012 in the Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk he defended his Doctoral thesis in the field of musical arts.

Makarow Aleksander

domra (Russia)

Mlynarska Agata

soprano (Poland)

Pasiecznik Olga

soprano (Poland)

Pietkiewicz Mirosław

organ (Poland)

Proniewicz Voytek

Violin (Poland)

Radziwonowicz Tomasz

violin (Poland)

Rehlis Agnieszka

mezzosopr. (Poland)

Salacinska Malgorzata

soprano (Poland)

Smol Mateusz

He started playing violin at the age of six in Karina Gidaszewska’s violin class.


Sook Ahn-Jai

soprano (Korea)

Stepanian Argine

violin (Armenia)

Stypulkowska Elzbieta

mezzosopr. (Poland)

Szlezer Mieczyslaw

violin (Poland)

He is a multiple laureate of the international and national Violin competitions. His teaching career started in 1978 at the Academy of Music in Krakowwhere he is now holding the titular professorship in Violin and the Chair of the Violin and Viola Department (since 2008). He did a guest teaching in the USA,South Korea, Germany, Denmark and Finland.

Wachowska Magdalena

mezzosoprano (Poland) In 2012 she received Master of Art with distinction in the Academy of Music in Wrocław in prof. Agata Młynarska-Klonowska’s solo singing class.

Waloszczyk Eugeniusz

percussion (Poland)

Zdunikowski Adam

tenor (Poland)

Zhuravlewa Zoya

Soprano, completed her vocal studies under Halina Arsentiewowa in 1999 at the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in St Petersburg, Russia.

Zipser Janusz

tenor (Poland)

Zukowski Radoslaw

bass (Poland)

Zurakowski Rafal

tenor (Poland)